Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students of all ages with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. CTE prepares learners for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies, and makes academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context.
The National Career Clusters® Framework provides a vital structure for organizing and delivering quality CTE programs through learning and comprehensive programs of study. In total, there are 16 Career Clusters in the National Career Clusters Framework, representing more than 79 Career Pathways to help students navigate their way to greater success in college and career.
As an organizing tool for curriculum design and instruction, Career Clusters provide the essential knowledge and skills for the 16 Career Clusters and their Career Pathways. It also functions as a useful guide in developing programs of study bridging secondary and postsecondary curriculum and for creating individual student plans of study for a complete range of career options. As such, it helps students discover their interests and their passions, and empowers them to choose the educational pathway that can lead to success in high school, college
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Brittany Timmons
Director of Assessment & Accountability
Academic Coach
830-460-3890 ext. 2008
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Eddie Byrom
CTE Coordinator
830-460-3898 ext. 3033
A graduate of Tarleton State University with a Masters Degree in Agriculture, Mr. Byrom has veteran’s level experience as a Teacher, Administrator, and Extension and Research Agent with Texas A&M University. Mr. Byrom will lead the Bandera ISD Career and Technology (CTE) Department with an extensive focus on growing and expanding the individual pathways offered to BHS students as they prepare for college, the workforce, Military, and life beyond graduation.
- Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
- Architecture & Construction
- Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
- Business Management & Administration
- Education & Training
- Finance
- Government & Public Administration
- Health Science
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
- Transportation, Distribution & Logistics